Planning and Building
Building Applications
Mr Dave Hadden is the appointed Environmental Health Officer/Building Surveyor for the Shire of Mount Magnet. Mr Hadden can be contacted through the Shire Office.
Mr Hadden has the authority to approve all building work intended to be performed within the Shire that complies with the Town Planning Scheme.
Should planning approval be required from Council, the form may be downloaded and presented to Council for consideration. The application should include all aspects of the proposed project.
A person wishing to conduct building work within the Shire must make a written application to Council in the form approved by the Shire.
Please refer to the Document Centre for all Fees, Charges and Forms.
Information on some specific requirements in regard to Town Planning, Building License applications, and Septic Tank minimum standards can be obtained by contacting Mr Hadden.
Generally, a licence is to be obtained for any structure being placed on your property within the Shire, this includes such works as swimming pools, sheds, patios and in some circumstances retaining walls.
The Building Surveyor has the authority to approve or refuse building applications unless the application also requires Planning Approval, in which case it will be referred to Council for determination.
Information on Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) as defined under the State Planning Policy Document 7.3 are available, and should be read in conjunction with the Shire of Mount Magnet Town Planning Scheme No. 2, and Scheme Maps -
Residential Design Codes Guidance Document
Residential Design Codes Practice Notes
Mount Magnet Town Planning Scheme
Relocation of Used Buildings
All applications to relocate used dwelling buildings into the Shire of Mount Magnet must be accompanied by:
Plans and specifications in duplicate;
Photographs clearly showing four separate elevations of the used dwelling building; and
A certificate, signed by a practicing structural engineer, certifying that the design and structure of the used dwelling building is suitable for transportation and re-erection.
Should you require any assistance please contact our CEO Tralee Cable on (08) 9963 3000 or via email ceo@mtmagnet.wa.gov.au.
All building demolition requires the approval of Council and an application is to be made in accordance with State Building Regulations.
Application forms can be obtained by contacting the office on (08) 9963 3000 during normal office hours or you can download the form.