Local Government Elections are held in October every two years and Councillors are elected for a term of four years.
The Shire of Mount Magnet is made up of seven Councillors including the President and Deputy President who are elected to the positions by the Council.
Information about eligibility and nomination procedures can be obtained by contacting either the CEO or the Western Australian Electoral Commission on 13 63 06.
Enrolling to Vote
Residents: If you are a resident and already registered correctly on the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll , you are automatically enrolled to vote in the Shire elections. If you are not already on the State Electoral Role but meet the eligibility criteria for this Roll, you can enrol online at www.aec.gov.au. Alternatively, enrolment forms are available from the Shire Office, Post Office or online from www.elections.wa.gov.au.
Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers of Shire property who are not residents are also eligible to vote and need to apply to go on the Shire’s electoral roll. Enrolment claim forms can be obtained from the Shire Office and should be lodged with the CEO.
Postal Voting
Election packages will be posted to absent electors on the roll by request. The packages can be returned by mail and it will be placed in a sealed ballot box. Click here to contact the Shire Office for a package.
The count commences at 6.00pm and the results will be announced as soon as possible after the count is completed.
Election Results
BLACK, Ian – Elected Unopposed - Term to 2027
KELLY, Cecilia – Elected Unopposed - Term to 2025
WILLIAMS, Karen – Elected Unopposed - Term to 2027
DANN, Polly – Elected Unopposed - Term to 2027
Useful Links
More information on Local Government Elections can be obtained from the Department of Local Government website.
You can check your enrolment details on the Western Australian Electoral Commission website.