Environmental Health
Environmental Health is a very wide area of responsibility encompassing
the Health Act 1911.
Dave Hadden has the responsibility to ensure that the Act is applied throughout the Shire, and that compliance with the legislation is adhered to. If any person has any enquiry or matter of concern in regard to Health matters, please contact the Shire.
Swimming Pool Inspections
Private swimming pools are inspected throughout the Shire at least every four (4) years to ensure compliance with the Regulations. Any person wishing to install a swimming pool on their property must apply for a building license to ensure the safety fencing complies with the current Australian Standard.
Monthly water samples are collected from the Mount Magnet Memorial Swimming Pool and sent to Perth for laboratory analysis to ensure compliance with the water quality standards laid down by the legislation. The test results have been fully compliant, and this reflects the upgrades carried out by Council on the filtration system and the infrastructure of the pool. The community is requested to follow all directions given by the pool manager to ensure a happy and healthy experience at our Pool.
Food Handling Premises Inspections
Food handling premises are inspected on a regular basis to assess their compliance with the Food Hygiene Regulations. Should any members of the public have any concerns with the conditions experienced, or the food handling practices of any food outlets within the Shire they should contact Dave Hadden on 0438 350 133 or via email EHO@mtmagnet.wa.gov.au