Ramelius Community Benefit Fund
The Shire of Mount Magnet has an agreement with Mt Magnet Gold Pty Ltd that the Company will make a series of community benefit payments to the Shire over a three-year period.
The Shire will establish a fund known as the Ramelius Resources Community Benefit Fund. The purpose of the fund is to provide funding for worthwhile community programs and/or community infrastructure on application from bona fide Mount Magnet community groups.
These grants are available to local members of the Mount Magnet community who need money to assist with projects that will benefit the community. Projects should provide long-term benefits to the community and involve local participation (volunteers). Projects may be jointly funded (that is money may come from other organisations, grants or fundraising).
Some of the successful applications have been:
Mt Magnet Emergency Services
Infinity Skate – Youth Skate Board Workshops
To apply please complete the Community Benefit Fund application form which can be found in the links below. Email the form along with supporting documentation to dceo@mtmagnet.wa.gov.au. Alternatively, you may send your application to the Shire Office.